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The Light of the New World #1

Welcome to Navaleth, a young kingdom built on a graveyard of secrets, ruled by a monarchy descended from the gods, and run by a society recovering from a bloody, ruthless war against an ancient enemy.


Now meet Quiver, whose internal struggles pull him further away from his people's traditions, drawing him closer to becoming an outsider. And Sarah, a bright, beautiful young woman, who travels the world for her father's business until her world takes a turn for the worse. Then there is Trevor, who has never left his home of Robins-Port, a trading village that shuns him for things beyond his control. Francis, second only to the king, herald of the church, is a charismatic visionary who has a knack for uncovering ancient secrets. And finally, Alric, a war veteran, who struggles to find a peaceful future, unable to escape his violent past.


Witness the beginning of the end as an ancient prophecy begins to unwind, directing our characters toward a dark future that they will inevitably share … until the very end.



The Light of the New World #2

The King is dead… After surviving two horrific attacks, Trevor, Dodge, Warren, and Sarah follow the Brotherhood, a small band of mercenaries, to a secret village hidden beyond the peak of the mountains. There, they hope to find peace away from the bloodshed that seems to follow them, but what they find is much more.

Who will rule… As acting steward until a new monarch is found, Francis has everything he needs to achieve a world of peace: the throne of power, and a reincarnated god who obeys his every command. However, peace is not so easily achieved. Deceit lurks within every shadow, and Francis struggles to stay two steps ahead of his enemies, who also happen to be his closest allies. He has sacrificed everything to get what he needs, but will it be enough?


Paths will cross… Cast out of his village, Quiver’s journey leads to a brother he thought long dead, through a dangerous country with a violent history toward his people. With memories of war on his mind, there is one southern face that Quiver hopes never to see again, an old enemy from the battlefield: the Wolf.

No one escapes the past… Alric has spent every day trying to forget the bloody deeds he has committed, but it seems his past has officially caught up with him, and it has perverted his one good memory into something horrific. Haunted at every moment, no matter how hard Alric resists, the animal clawing inside him is begging to be set free.

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The Oathsworn Legacy

Rawley and Baelin make a living the only way they know how—protecting the people of Centrum by slaying the dark things that stole their childhood: Monsters, and everything evil.

Though the work never ends, and there’s plenty of coin to go around, Rawley and Baelin discover a sinister secret hidden deep within the crevices of Centrum’s past. Centuries of lies and deceit unravel before them, and they soon shift from mere mercenaries to a force that will last generations.

At least, that’s their hope.

Dwarves in the west, Wroughtmen in the north, Elves in the east, and a tyrant king ruling with an oppressive fist, Rawley and Baelin balance on the precipice of total chaos.

Will everything they’ve accomplished be enough to save them from the shadows rising, or will a plot that’s generations old finally drag everything into the abyss?

More Coming Soon...

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