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The Journey with Rawley and Baelin Terricaut


Writing is as exhausting as it is enjoyable. Some days I write five-thousand words, while other days I write 20. Sometimes I even delete everything I've spent all day writing. Most days, I don't write at all. The struggle can be very real...

All aboard!

...but it's worth it. There's no better feeling than reflecting on what you've accomplished, especially when it takes so long to achieve it.

I've had this feeling often when writing about Rawley and Baelin. It helps that their journey is built around short stories, so there are more times when I get that reassurance of completing something. It helps keep me going, and I'm pretty proud of where their story has gone so far.

That being said, their journey is coming to a close. I don't have an official ending yet, but it's building up to be quite the show-down. As of right now, I'm sitting on ten stories, and I'm forecasting four more until it's entirely complete. Some of those stories are already outlined in my head (seriously, it's a mess in there) while others still need to be plotted out.

No official title yet, but I'm working on it.

Here's a list of the titles I already have, as well as a word count for each story.

  1. The Storm on the Horizon (4,247)

  2. House of Doors (11,033)

  3. Mysteries of the Skyward Soul (24,100)

  4. Tomb of Legion (14,098)

  5. Bhalidar's Defiance (15,130)

  6. A Traitor's Confession (5,646)

  7. The Caravan (13,173)

  8. Oath of Ethel (14,138)

  9. Grace of Faelor (23,447)

  10. Legacy Bound (9,559)

Titles are more secure than the word count. After the editing stages that will follow the first manuscript, I'm anticipating a decrease in length. As of right now, the total is 134,571 words, which averages out to approximately 269 pages.

There will most likely be a free release of one of the earlier stories for those subscribed, so if you know anyone who enjoys fantasy adventures full of twists, share this and let them know to subscribe!

Also, I will eventually be looking for Beta Readers before the initial release. I found that very helpful with my second book, Deceit. If you find yourself interested in what that means, let me know!

Until then, stay creative, and continue to follow your passions.

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